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Showing posts from April, 2014

Hackathon focused on positive social change in the Middle East

HackingME welcomes University of Waterloo students to the first Hackathon focused on positive social change in the Middle East held in Canada! What is HackingME? Hacking the Middle East is a Toronto Hackathon bringing together software developers, designers, experts in middle eastern politics, history, governance, culture (and many other areas) to build solutions for positive social change in the middle east. What’s the Goal? The mission for Hacking the Middle East is to bring together a community with a diverse set of skills to collaborate and work on ideas for positive social change in the Middle East.  We hope to bring together Software Developers, Graphic Designers, User Interface Designers, Project Managers and Middle Eastern domain experts for a full-weekend to work on projects with a focus on improving aspects of the middle east. Project ideas are decided by event participants and can be joined by anyone who feels passionate about that project. The HackingME Hackatho...

Limited‐term teaching assistant professor (University of Victoria)

Department of Computer Science University of Victoria The Department of Computer Science at the University of Victoria invites applications for limited‐term Teaching Assistant Professor (formerly Senior Instructor) positions starting September 1, 2014 or January 1, 2015.  A variety of appointment options may be available. For example, the highly qualified individuals employed will be responsible for teaching three courses during an 8‐month part-time appointment (e.g., one course in the fall and two courses in the spring) appointment, or six courses (e.g., two courses in the fall, three courses in the spring and 1 course in the summer) for a 12-month full-time appointment. Possible teaching assignments include first‐year programming courses, first and second year computer science courses, as well as computer graphics courses at all levels. Computer Science course descriptions can be found at . Succe...

Hacking Health Kids @ SickKids, May 2-4

I work at Toronto General Hospital, and my department, the Centre for global eHealth Innovation is cosponsoring an event called Hacking Health Kids this May. The event is being held at the Hospital of Sick Children in Toronto. We've had participation from Waterloo Comp Sci at Hacking Health events in the past 2 years and we would love to see you again! This time, programmers and technologies are coming together to create innovative and sustainable solutions that impact Paediatric health and delivery. The event will be held at Toronto's SickKids Research Centre over the May 2-4 weekend! It would be a great opportunity for students at all levels to attend as it's hands on experience with current technological innovators. Faculty, or anyone else interested is also welcome. Registration is at

Faculty Positions for Indian Citizens at IIT Jodhpur

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals with exceptional academic record in teaching, good research record and valuable industrial experience relevant to teaching and research for full-time faculty positions of Professor, Associate Professor , Assistant Professor and Assistant Professor (on Contract) to carryout teaching and research in the following three disciplines : 1.    Computer Science & Engineering, 2.   Electrical Engineering, and 3.    Mechanical Engineering Persons with exceptional academic and research record in other areas also are invited to apply. The requirement of minimum experience may be relaxed for applicants with outstanding credentials. Higher emoluments may be given by the Selection Committee to selected applicants with significant research and / or industrial experience. Foreign National also are invited to apply for the post of Visiting Faculty (On Contract) 1. Applicant’s Qualification   (a) Professor ...

Limited-Term Lecturer Position at UWindsor

The University of Windsor invites applications for a One-Year Limited-Term Lecturer position in the School of Computer Science commencing July 1, 2014. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.  The School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor consists of 20 professors, 8 support staff, over 400 undergraduate students, and approximately one hundred graduate students. Areas of funded research include Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Distributed and High-Performance Computing, Graphics, Image Processing, Information Retrieval, Networks, Software Engineering, and Theoretical Computer Science. For further information about the School of Computer Science, visit our website at  The City of Windsor and Essex County have a growing population numbering at present over 400,000 and are situated on the southern bank of Detroit River across from our northern neighbour, the large metropolis of D...