Are you interested in VR technologies? Please join our VR study!
Who we are: We are HCI Games Group at the Games Institute, University of Waterloo. We are looking for participants to take part in a 30-minutes VR experiment, so we can understand how individuals experience virtual environments. Also, we want to understand how to make these environments more accessible and immersive.
What you will need to do: you would need to engage/observe a virtual environment and then share your experiences via a questionnaire and a short interview.
To participate: you must be over 18 years old; plus, VR headsets are not recommended for individuals with vision, hearing, balance issues, musculoskeletal disorders, implants, neurological history, pregnancy, fatigue, stress, or anxiety.
The reward: $10 CAD as a gift card sent to the email address of your choice.
Estimated participation time: 20-25 minutes
The location: Games Institute, East Campus 1, 175 Columbia St W
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the University of Waterloo Research Ethics Board.
You may find more information about the study in the information letter here: [link]
The following time slots are available to participate
in this study:
While Calendly will collect your email and
(preferred) name, you can also contact Dr. Eugene Kukshinov at
to sign-up for the study and with any other questions.
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