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Bridge Education Abroad Institute summer programs

On behalf of Bridge Education Abroad Institute (BEAI), I am writing to you today to inform you about our summer programs in South Africa. Our institute plans short programs all across the world, to provide students with unique opportunities to experience different political cultures while strengthening their leadership and diplomacy skills. Our programs draw a diverse group of students together from all over the world to discuss pressing global issues while exchange cultural values. In a rapidly globalizing world, we believe these experiences are invaluable to the success of students in the global job market.

For the summer of 2015, we have programs scheduled in Cape Town and Johannesburg for the months of June, July and August. This program will include lectures from experienced professors and guest speakers from all over the globe, including the United States of America and South Africa. A few of our professors include:

·    Professor Dr. Paul Joseph (Tufts University, USA)- Author and Previous Director of the Peace and Justice Studies Program

-   PHD from UC Berkeley
-  Previous president of the national Peace Studies Association
-   Former Distinguished Chair for the United States-India Education Foundation     (Fulbright program)

·    Professor Dr. Solava Ibrahim (University of Cambridge, UK) – Director of MA in Poverty and Development a the institute for development policy and management

- PHD and MPhil from Cambridge

·    Service Learning Day with Educo Africa (Local NGO)Vision- Young people understanding their roles as powerful agents of change – actively, confidently and positively contributing towards a better global community.

- Paired with 12 local South Africans for a meaningful day of service  

The students will enrich their knowledge of South Africa’s history, international politics, and economics while also enjoying travel to famous and historic places. We also encourage students to get to know one another and share cultural values through planned social events.

·  Nelson Mandela’s Jail Cell at Robben Island
·  Big 5 African Safari
·  Apartheid Museum
·  Visit President Nelson Mandela’s home in the Soweto’s
·  NGO Service Learning day with Local South African Leaders
Please Note: We limit our South Africa programs to 12 students per program to enhance the students learning between our professors and students.

Even with the summer close at hand, there are still plenty of students still figuring out their plans for the upcoming break. We hope you will consider recognition of our institute as an option for your students who are looking for international opportunities. We would greatly appreciate if you can pass the information about our program on to your students. If you believe you have students at your university that would be interested in this unique opportunity, please inform them to contact us via

Thank you very much for your support, and to find more information about our program, you may visit

Benjamin Doherty
President | |+1 (941) 302-0483 |2750 Stickney Point Road, Sarasota, FL 34231


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