Pre-enrolment for Spring 2013 runs from October 29 to November 4. It is extremely important that you select your courses so that we have some idea as to the amount of demand. A copy of the email sent by the CS advisors to students is below:
We've made some significant changes to how we admit students into CS courses. For example, the waiting list, that dreaded fixture for some of you, is gone. This has significant implications regarding THIS WEEK's pre-enrolment for Spring, 2013.
We've made some significant changes to how we admit students into CS courses. For example, the waiting list, that dreaded fixture for some of you, is gone. This has significant implications regarding THIS WEEK's pre-enrolment for Spring, 2013.
Read more at Please spread the word among your friends. Some of them may not have received this email due to some ISPs blocking UW email. Also, please check out the new CSatWaterloo blog, an unofficial blog for student announcements. Find it at Sincerely, CS Advisors (Brad, Byron, Dave, John, Khuzaima, Lori, Suzanne) PS: When you pre-enrol, checking "evening courses" can mess you up badly if there are no evening courses available.
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