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Clark University Entry-Level Tenure Track Position

I would like to call your attention to an entry level tenure track position in Computer Science opening in the Math/CS department at Clark University (to start fall 2014).  I would be very grateful if you could please bring this to the attention of the School of Computer Science at Waterloo, and/or to relay it to any qualified individual that you think might be interested.

Details can be found at,

We are interested in qualified applicants with expertise in applications in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Vision, Computational Geometry, or Network Algorithms.

Clark has a number of interdisciplinary groups and programs in the social and natural sciences. Among others these include a group in Motion Planning, an Active Matter group, Geographical Information Science, and a growing Environmental Science program, as well as a computational cluster. Thus we are particularly interested in the the branches of CS listed above which have the potential to interact with these areas.

If there are any questions, please let me know.

Sincerely yours,

  -- Frederic Green.

Frederic Green                email:
Professor                     web:
Math/CS, Clark University     phone: (508) 793-7410 (office)
Worcester, MA 01610                  (508) 793-7343 (dept. office)


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